
Wait for the applet and sounds to finish loading, this may take a minute or two. The game screen will show "Game Over - 'S' to Start" once everything is ready. In the meantime you can review the instructions below.

Note: If the game doesn't seem to be responding to key presses, click your mouse pointer in the game area. 

Playing the Game
Use the keyboard controls described below to maneuver your ship, destroying as many asteroids as you can while avoiding collision with them. Also watch for the flying saucers armed with guided missles.

If you warp into hyperspace, your ship will momentarily disappear then reappear on another part of the screen, gradually fading in. During this time the ship is invunerable. Likewise, when your ship is destroyed, a new one will appear in the center of the screen. You can still maneuver and fire during this time so if you are in imminent danger, you have a couple of seconds to get out of it. .

S Start Game P Pause Game
Cursor Left Rotate Left Cursor Down Reverse Thrust
Cursor Right Rotate Right Cursor Up Forward Thrust
Spacebar Fire Cannon H Hyperspace
M Toggle Sound*
*Note: If the game appears to run slowly on your machine, try turning the sound off. This will not affect game play.
Large Asteroids 25 Small Asteroids 50
Flying Saucer 250 Enemy Missle 500
A an extra life is awarded for every 500 points scored.


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